Gift Guides

Father’s Day Gift Guide 2024

Best Father's Day Gifts for Every Budget 2024
I'm Stefanie!

If I’m not at my desk writing, you’ll find me in my garden or my kitchen. I’m a sucker for anything that makes me feel like I’ve slipped back in time. Gardening, tending to our chickens, making sourdough, entertaining gatherings of family and friends. Just don’t expect me to wear a dress. 

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Gimme that

I don’t know if you feel this way, but the men in my life are always the hardest to buy for. I either nail it or I fail miserably. 

For Christmas last year, I nailed it for JJ. I did a major splurge and got him a Treager grill. I knew he would never buy it for himself. After everything we had been through and all that he did for me, never leaving my side, he slept nearly every night in a crappy hospital bed next to me, I wanted to get him something special, and I did.

He absolutely LOVES it and wants to cook several nights a week. (Turns out it was a gift for me too.) In case you are looking to go big this Father’s Day, the Treager was a huge hit. He can’t stop talking about roasting a pig on it this summer.

A couple of my not so big hits … a really nice guitar and lessons. The guitar was passed down to Colton untouched. It still occupies a corner in our home after a few forced guitar lessons for Colt. After pretending for a couple of weeks he liked something called a LooftLighter, he sheepishly asked for the receipt so he could return it.

I asked JJ to put together a list of all the gifts I nailed over the last few years to make your Father’s Day gift buying easier. Here is his list. 

JJ’s Father’s Day Gift Guide 2024

All his favorite drinking vessels from morning to night.

The Ember coffee mug is truly amazing. It keeps your coffee nice and toasty so you aren’t having to get up and head to the microwave every ten minutes. – $149

Owala water bottles have become a family favorite and JJ loves his. Colton first introduced us. You can easily sip straw like from the top or tilt it up to take bigger gulps. The lid is dishwasher safe and there’s no place for “gunk” to hide. – $33

Brown drinks are always an after dinner hit (until the next morning). Putting them in a beautiful decanter adds to the ambiance. Just ask the Newmans. (IYKYK) – $50

JJ loves serving himself and our guests in these leather bound, monogrammed cocktail glasses. – $20

Grilling is a B-I-G deal in our home. JJ is quite the grill master. (Though those who attended our first annual pig roast might argue that.) Having good grilling gear makes the process much more fun and successful.

What grill master doesn’t need a chef’s apron? – $16

I bought this Coolina knife for JJ five years ago for Christmas. One of my big hits. Sharpens up nicely. It is as impressive as it looks. – $136

Grilling tools are just as important as the tools down in his garage. – $99

Some of JJ’s favorite gadgets and coolers.

YETI is a great brand. When we go camping, or have long outdoor parties where the ice needs to stay cold for long periods of time YETI coolers are our go to. – $300

For a few hours at the beach or smaller excursions JJ loves his REI backpack cooler. Tons of storage pockets for snacks, bottle openers and a wallet. Much lighter in weight and very efficient. AND much more reasonably priced compared to the YETI backpack cooler. (We got one for Noah a couple of years ago for Christmas and he loves his too.) – $100

After a long day of volleyball or building houses, the Hypervolt is his friend. It gets into the deep muscle tissue and relieves the tension. This baby is in constant use in our house. – $149

Headlamps$16, a portable speaker – $149 and a Leatherman$80 are musts for camping and beach days.

JJ uses his headlamp nearly daily. He wears it at night to work on a puzzle, 🔥, uses it to take the trash out or when he heads out to chase the coyotes away in the dark. My hero.

To all of you amazing Father’s out there, I hope you’ve learned by now Mother’s Day comes before Father’s Day by design. We first get to see how you treat us, and then do the same for you. Hope you all crushed it for the moms who made you fathers. Kidding … kind of. Happy Father’s Day!

Are you planning to cook for the men in your life? BBQ chicken, coleslaw, corn on the cob and some Rolo chocolate chip cookies make for a great father’s day feast.

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  1. JJ MULLEN says:

    Truth to every word of this post!

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