DIY & Home Projects

Guest Bedroom Mood Board

I'm Stefanie!

If I’m not at my desk writing, you’ll find me in my garden or my kitchen. I’m a sucker for anything that makes me feel like I’ve slipped back in time. Gardening, tending to our chickens, making sourdough, entertaining gatherings of family and friends. Just don’t expect me to wear a dress. 

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Gimme that

Our two older boys have both moved into their own places over the last few years and we are left with two extra rooms. I put new beds in them and a couple of rugs and called them guest rooms. I suspect I was emotionally not ready to completely turn them into “not the boys” rooms. 

Sources: Curtains, Art Man, Art Yellow, Blanket, Striped Pillow, Solid Pillow, Plaid Pillow, Rug, Arched Mirror, Lamp, Dresser, Rocking Chair, Floor Lamp

Tired of walking by unfinished rooms, I have decided to finally tackle them and wanted to share the guest bedroom mood board and our sources with you.

I went back and forth for months on the wallpaper. Should I branch out and do a floral with pops of color I have loved or stay within my comfort zone and do a plaid wallpaper with muted tones. I decided to go with the floral. It allows me to incorporate beautiful greens and caramels throughout the room. 

Wall Detail

We are adding wainscoting to the walls which I refer to as “faux” wainscoting because we don’t back it with wood, we simply apply the border directly to the wall and then paint the drywall in between to match so it gives the appearance of full wainscoting. I was doing some research on Pinterest and found this wainscoting detail using pole wrap and loved it so we are going to give it a go.

Reclaimed Wood Flooring

When we first remodeled this house in 2013 we put carpet in all of the boys’ rooms. We ripped it out a few years ago because boys and dogs make carpet gross and did gray vinyl flooring which I do not like so we are going to redo the floors to match the reclaimed wood floors we have in the rest of the house. 

We ordered samples of a few manufactured flooring options that might match close enough at half the price. I’ve used them in other client homes like our Sand Down project and they are gorgeous, we just need to find one that is rustic enough to match our current floors. Fingers crossed they work. If not we are going to have to suck it up and order more reclaimed wood. 

Design Details

I am really excited about the green and caramel colors in this room. The curtains will pull out the green in the wallpaper and I have purchased the striped, plaid and velvet pillow covers and blankets that also pull the caramel and green tones. 

I am really excited about the seagrass rug. It was backordered forever but is finally back in stock and just arrived. I love this seagrass rug and the diamond pattern makes me swoon. 

This floor lamp plays nicely with the rug adding a little more texture to the room. 

I have three antique pieces in the room, the nightstand, dresser and the rocking chair. Since you can’t purchase those yourself, I sourced a similar dresser and rocking chair for you.

We are getting started today and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out! You can follow along on Instagram stories as we take this from guest bedroom mood board to finished project!

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“To ease another’s heartache is to forget one’s own.” Abraham Lincoln