This time of year, my must-have kitchen items are front and center in my cabinets and drawers.
My kitchen, like my closet, is arranged by season. I shift things around so they are readily available according to what I am most likely cooking and using during that specific time of year.
I’m not likely using my big roasting pans in the heat of summer, but I am VERY LIKELY using my favorite summer must have kitchen item, my ice cream maker. So it gets top billing in my cabinets!

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You all know I love to cook. But I haven’t always. Back in the day when I first started cooking, I hated it. If you asked anyone who knew me in my 20s they would have nominated me least likely to succeed in a kitchen. They are, FO SHO, gobsmacked when they come across this site.
What I didn’t have back then was the right kitchen tools or an ounce of confidence. When I had my boys and realized not cooking wasn’t going to work as all they did was eat, I started accumulating the right tools to cook which created the confidence.
As they say, the rest is history. I LOVE sharing recipes with all of you and answering all of your cooking questions over on Instagram. It truly brings me so much joy!
Today I wanted to share those kitchen tools I prioritize in the summer! Hopefully they will bring you joy and confidence in cooking for your family!
Must Have Kitchen Items This Summer!

- Wine Glasses Summer is for chardonnay and rosé. Push those massive red wine glasses to the back and bring your white wine glasses to the front.
- Sun Tea Jar There is something about tea steeped in the sun all day that just tastes better.
- Juice Squeezer This is the time of year for fresh oranges, lemons and limes. Squeeze them for breakfast, mimosas and margaritas! Fresh summer fruit makes everything taste better.
- Cast Iron Skillet I cook a lot outside in the summer so my house doesn’t heat up. Potatoes, meats, vegetables. They all cook amazingly in a cast iron skillet on the grill.
- Corn Stripper JJ recently knocked out his front tooth in a surfing accident. It has been fixed but now he has an irrational fear of eating corn on the cob. (And I have a rational fear of seeing him without his front tooth ever again) I was skeptical about this tool, but it works and it’s amazing! I love putting fresh corn in my tuna fish or throwing together fresh corn, tomatoes and cucumbers for a simple summer salad. This tool is perfect for that!
- Meat Thermometer Dry meat sucks. Get a meat thermometer. Then grill up some amazing hamburgers or steaks to the perfect juicy temperature!
- Popsicle Molds The ice cream truck no longer comes around our neighborhood so we make our own popsicles. Creamsicles, fresh fruit bars, kool-aid, margarita pops. Mak ’em however you want ’em.
- Ice Cream Maker Speaking of ice cream. If you have never made homemade ice cream, you have never truly enjoyed ice cream. It’s easy and it’s incredible!
- Iced Coffee Maker Because it’s hot AF out there.
- Slow Cooker Also because it’s hot AF out there. If you can avoid using your oven and heating up the whole house, you should. And dinner is ready by 10:00am. Wine o’clock never felt so easy.
- Cast Iron Corn Pan I used to wrap my corn in aluminum foil and it was great! But, I could never tell how brown the corn was and how cooked it was. Plus I couldn’t rotate it to make sure the butter cooked into all sides. This cast iron pan cooks corn on the cob to buttery perfection!
- Salad Spinner This is the time of year to make amazing fresh salads. Getting all the water off the salad so your lettuce isn’t soggy is critical. Salad spinners are both effective and fun. This was Colt’s favorite way to help in the kitchen when he was little. (Don’t tell anyone but at 16 he still get just as excited to use it.)
Enjoy all your summer cooking!
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