Seasonal Decor

Woodland Christmas Dinner Table Decor with a Modern Twist

I'm Stefanie!

If I’m not at my desk writing, you’ll find me in my garden or my kitchen. I’m a sucker for anything that makes me feel like I’ve slipped back in time. Gardening, tending to our chickens, making sourdough, entertaining gatherings of family and friends. Just don’t expect me to wear a dress. 

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Creating a beautiful Christmas table is as simple as picking a theme. Like our modern farmhouse Christmas tree, I wanted our table to represent Christmas past and the great outdoors, with a modern touch. The runner provides the modern touch with its fabric and sparkle. The deer represent the great outdoors and creatures I love, but also provide a modern touch with their their shape.

I don’t love an overly match-ey, perfect looking table. That feels too fancy. I’m not a fancy kind of gal. I like to make things look beautiful but I don’t want them to feel stuffy or untouchable. I want you to be comfortable being you at my table. I love to mismatch napkins, plates, chargers and place mats. Mix it up. For this table I used two different napkins. For the napkin holders I used a simple piece of twine and cut berries and greenery from pieces I bought at Michaels. Super simple, super pretty.

I bought three of these trees to go down the middle of the runner. The reminded me of something the woodland creatures in Bambi would have decorated. Once I put the trees down, I felt like the runner needed something more to tie in the trees, so I added a piece of plaid ribbon down the center. These trees are the anchor that pull it all together. They have the pine cones, greenery and berries that I’ve incorporated throughout the whole table as well as the sparkle of the modern pieces.

The final pieces once the trees were in place were the deer, some more cut greenery and pine cones and the wood pieces my husband cut for me that were left over from the ornaments I made for our tree. They added the perfect woodsy touch stacked in several places throughout the table.

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